GRATYO® is a business coaching company founded by Coach Yohanes G. Pauly. GRATYO® is a business coaching company that is recognized and prestigious at the world level.
GRATYO® made it to the No. 1 of The Worldwide Best Business Coaching Company from the Top 10 Business Coaching Firms in the World, a prestigious list containing the 10 best Business Coaching Firms in the world based on parameters set by one of the business coaching firms in the world.
GRATYO® was also nominated as Indonesia Consulting Company of the Year in the Best Practices Awards Program by Frost & Sullivan, a business consulting firm in the world.
Coach Yohanes G. Pauly and his SuperTEAM at GRATYO® break the Guinness World Records for The Largest Practical Business Seminar in the World at the Indonesia Entrepreneurs Conference regarding the strict conditions.
The Guinness World Record that was successfully broken by GRATYO® is an indication that GRATYO® is a world-class Business Coaching company that has high discipline and becomes favorite among entrepreneurs.
GRATYO® has world-class Certified Business Coach that will help entrepreneurs. GRATYO® Certified Business Coach must go through a strict selection process, high standards and must pass certification as a Business Coach.
Certified Business Coach will help entrepreneurs develop businesses with various indications of problems so that the business can be Profitable and AUTO-PILOT.
Certified Business Coach will position itself outside the business so that they can spot weaknesses and mistakes that entrepreneurs are not aware of and will then provide advice and input from the blind spot.
Most of entrepreneurs cannot develop their business because they get input and feedback that is not honestly uttered. However, a Business Coach will be honestly telling the blind spot so that entrepreneurs aren’t fooled by sugar coated feedback.
GRATYO® regularly holds seminars such as GRATYO® Entrepreneurs Gathering, GRATYO® Business Workshop and the Indonesia Entrepreneurs Conference which are attended by hundreds of entrepreneurs from all over Indonesia.
GRATYO® Entrepreneurs Gathering and GRATYO® Business Workshop Online as business seminars which are held offline & online destined to help Business Owners and their teams to build Profitable and AUTO-PILOT businesses.
This business seminar is held by GRATYO® in various cities such as Jakarta, Tangerang, Surabaya, Medan, Batam, Bandung, Semarang, Denpasar, Makassar and other cities.
This business seminar attended by hundreds of entrepreneurs from all over Indonesia.
The number of participants in GRATYO® Entrepreneurs Gathering and GRATYO® Business Workshop Online is attended by more than 100,000 entrepreneurs and this number continues to grow every month.
Clients at GRATYO® range from people who want to start a business, entrepreneurs with small businesses or very small turnover to entrepreneurs with large turnover.
Starting from Business to Business (B2B), Business to Government (B2G), and Business to Customer (B2C) businesses, they have benefited from business coaching with GRATYO®.